Studio Guidelines

We are delighted and honored to have you as our guest at Aspire Yoga Center! Please let your instructor know if there is anything that can be done to make your experience here at Aspire Yoga Center better.


These guidelines are designed to ensure that every student has a positive and safe experience at our studio. Please read the following carefully:


Pre-registration is required for all classes. Just follow the links when you click to enroll in a class and fill out the necessary information.


The studio opens 10 minutes prior to the start of each class. Please arrive prior to class to sign in, store your belongings, set up your mat, and settle in/get centered in the studio. Late arrivals will not be admitted into class.


Late Policy – No one can enter once class has started. All classes will start right on time and late arrivals will not be admitted.


Late Cancel / No-show Policy – If you reserve a spot in class and don’t show up or cancel at the last minute, we have to turn someone away to save a spot for you and that’s not fair to anyone. Therefore, if you cancel less than two (2) hours before class or don’t show up at all, you will be charged a $20 fee or one of your class passes. Please be respectful of your fellow yogis waiting for a spot to open up! Prevent this from happening and let someone else take your spot by cancelling your booking either in the MindBody app or through your account on our website at least 2 hours prior to the start of class. It’s SO simple! Check out these videos on how to book/cancel using the MindBody App and our website.


The lobby will close at the beginning of class and re-open 10 minutes prior to the start of the next class on the schedule. Please contact us at if you’d like to schedule an appointment to come by the studio.


Wear comfortable form-fitting clothes. Layers help to adjust for temperature changes during and after class.


It is best to practice on an empty stomach. A full stomach is a hindrance to the correct practice of postures and breathing. If you must eat before class, please make sure that it is small and light.


Remove your shoes prior to entering the yoga room. This respects the ancient tradition of the East and provides a clean environment in which to practice.


Yoga is traditionally practiced in bare feet. If this is uncomfortable, socks are fine.


Refrain from chewing gum during class. It’s not only a distraction for your mind, but it can also be an annoyance to others in the room.


We encourage you to invest in a yoga mat of your own; it will be a welcome landing place for you and your energy. Mats are currently not available for rental use.


It’s okay to sweat! Sweating assists the purification process through movement and heat. Bring your own towel if you think you need one.


Enter fresh and clean. Taking a bath or shower both before and after practicing refreshes the body and mind.


Refrain from wearing scents or smelling like smoke. Many people are sensitive or allergic to various fragrances, scents and cigarette smoke.


Consult your physician before beginning any yoga practice. Notify the teacher before class of any medical considerations including injuries, pregnancy or special medications that might require yoga modifications.


Listen to your body! If you are injured or tired, skip poses you can’t or shouldn’t do, or try a modified version. Pushing yourself beyond comfort and pain is not part of any yoga practice.


It’s great to share a class with people you know, but please leave socializing and business outside the studio space, so the peace of the practice is not disturbed.


Cell phones are not allowed in the studio – even on the vibrating/silent setting as this is many times still audible and disruptive.


Cubbies are located just outside the studio door for shoes, keys and other personal belongings. Aspire Yoga Center is not responsible for your items. Leave all valuable items at home or in your car. Lost + Found items may be retrieved within 30 days. After that, they will be donated.


Please stay through the end of the class. Leaving early is disruptive to other students and prevents you and others from gaining the needed solace from the class.


Be considerate of the space and pick up after yourself. Please neatly put away any props you use.


Only students actively participating in class are allowed in the studio during class.


The lobby is not to be used as a waiting area by anyone while class is in session.


Childcare is not offered at Aspire Yoga Center.


Please let us know if your well-behaved 10-13 year old is interested in taking class. This age is on a case-by-case basis, in our unheated classes only. We will decide if it will be appropriate based on the child’s yoga experience, and will have your family come take one class to see how they did, how they liked the class, and their ability to focus on the class and the instructor. This is at the sole discretion of the Aspire Yoga Center staff. We would love our classes to be all ages, however, we realize there needs to be a minimum age to honor the needs of all participants in our group classes.


Minors ages 14-17 are welcome to attend classes at Aspire Yoga Center, with permission (signed waiver) from their parent or guardian.