Technical Issues = Practicing Yoga Off the Mat

Technical Issues = Practicing Yoga Off the Mat

This weekend I’ve had the opportunity to take my yoga practice off the mat. Specifically, I’ve been practicing Santosha, one of the Niyamas or guiding ethical concepts of yoga, which means contentment or satisfaction.

Let me explain.

On Friday, we announced a new Introduction to Yoga 3-week series for $33, beginning Friday, April 3! Due to your requests, we wanted to schedule another one right away.

There are a number of technical things that must happen to easily register for classes on our website. Everything was good to go and we made the course announcement on Facebook and via email to students who had expressed an interest in the next intro series.

Well, since the announcement was made, our website server has been having intermittent problems. It can’t be accessed by many mobile devices and is extremely slow to load on desktop computers.

Is this how Kim Kardashian felt when she broke the Internet?! Ha, doubt it!

I’ve spent hours on the phone with the web hosting company, just to be told that there’s nothing they can do and that, with time, it should work itself out.

This solution really forced me to be extremely mindful of my reaction to the situation. I understand that this is completely out of my control and I can do anything about it.

I’m mindfully practicing Santosha by being both content with things as they are and satisfied that several students have reached out to register and the class is already half full.

Our website is working properly now! If you ever experience ANY technical issues and would like to enroll in a class, please email or call/text 318-990-0129.