04 Mar Walla Account FAQs
As of March 4th, Aspire has officially transitioned from MindBody to our new studio software, Walla! Here are a few items to double-check if you have any questions, need to access your account, or make your next booking!
Trouble accessing your Walla login and account?
* Click on My Account
* Choose Forgot your password? link
* Enter the email address associated with your account
* You will receive an email with the reset password instructions
* Please note, if you request and receive multiple reset emails, use the most recent email
* If the email you entered is not found or cannot be associated with an account, please contact us
Reset Password Link Doesn’t Work
To request a new password link, click on My Account and select Forgot your password? on the login screen
* Please note, if you request and receive multiple reset emails, use the most recent email
Account Link + Login is Invalid
If you have received an invite from your studio—and Walla—to create your new account, but the link or email is invalid:
* Go to our My Account
* Choose Forgot your password?
* Enter the email address associated with your account
* Please note, if you request and receive multiple reset emails, use the most recent email
Your patience is appreciated!